The Surprising Beauty of Unusual Flower Shapes Enchants a Vast Number of People

Flowers have long been considered a symbol of the beauty of nature. In addition to the lovely flowers that are adored by people, the great nature still produces bizarre and unusual flowers.

The giant corpse flower is the largest flower on Earth. This flower’s aroma, which is similar to the stench of rotting meat, draws the dead flies that serve as its pollinators. They mostly flourish in the Indonesian province of Sumatra. They mainly grow in the region of Sumatra (Indonesia).The largest flower plant ever recorded weighs up to 91kg and is up to 3.1m tall.

 Sea sesame buds when fully bloomed have the shape like a cheering flower. On the Pacific and Indian Ocean shores, this bloom is a common sight. They have a fragrant aroma that draws moths and bats.

Heart flowers have the English name “bleeding heart” because they have the shape of a broken heart bleeding. There are numerous myths about sad love stories that are connected to the origin of this flower. If you look closely, the blooms resemble glittering hearts in the sunlight, but if you look even closer, the flower resembles a shattered heart that is gushing with blood.


Blue tiger claw flower is native to the rainforests of the Philippines, The tree has a large, woody stem that lives for many years, often grown in the form of vines on a trellis. Its inflorescences can grow up to 3m long.

The corpse flower is considered the largest unisexual flower in the world. Unfortunately they smell of rotten meat. Without leaves or stems, this flower can expand to a width of up to 1 m. Only the Southeast Asian islands of Sumatra and Borneo, at elevations exceed 1000 meters above sea level, support their growth.

The pitcher flower is also known as the bait-catcher flower, the fly-catcher flower. They are a carnivorous plant native to the tropics. Inside they contain sweet nectar that attracts insects, even rodents and small birds.

Water hyacinth also belongs to the family of flycatchers. Instead of petals, this flower is flat in shape and has sticky feathers with glittering beads on top that make them resemble fireworks. Their dew-like sparkle in the sun helps them attract and trap insects.

Don’t let this cute white bunny look fool you. In fact, rabbit ears are carnivorous plants. They are often referred to as ‘deadly rabbits’ because they trap and eat microscopic insects.

The bat-faced flower is shaped like a ferocious bat, native to Mexico. They have extremely prominent colors of red and purple, also known as rabbit ears, cigar flowers. This flower is resistant to harsh weather conditions, drought tolerant, high temperature resistant, its color is very attractive to hummingbirds, bees and butterflies.


The sea holly flowers have dark green petals and silver sepals. They grow on the beaches and dunes of the English coast. Few flowers can match their unique icy hues.

Discovered in southeastern Ecuador and the Peruvian border, this unique monkey-faced flower has the scientific name Orchis simia. The structure of the petals with sepals, petals, and black petals interspersed to form a monkey, or to be more precise, a baboon. It was discovered that each petal has an aroma similar to that of a ripe orange.

Black bat flower is one of the rare plants in tropical Southeast Asia. This black bat-like flower is also known as devil flower, lobster beard flower, black cat flower, all of which are horror names.

The parrot beak is considered completely extinct in the wild, although some believe it still exists. Experiments have been carried out to pollinate flowers and plant them in the wild, but very few of these experiments have been successful. Therefore, parrot beak flowers are only raised and propagated in laboratories.

Parrot flowers have an extremely rare fragrance, only found in Thailand, Manipur, India. It is classified as an endangered flower and is absolutely not allowed out of the country.

This world’s ugliest and loneliest tree has the Vietnamese name Bach Lan or Gam Angola. Bach Lan impresses with its tattered, withered appearance as if it is slowly dying.

This flower with a skull-like shape has the peculiar property that when it is in bloom, it is gorgeous and brilliant, but when it dries, it resembles a human skull. They are frequently seen throughout North Africa and Europe.

Because of the way they resemble ducks getting ready to fly, these blooms are known as flying duck orchids. They are primarily found in Australia. They are simple to pollinate because to their unique form.

The Italica orchid is a plant native to the Mediterranean region, often growing in nutrient-poor soils. Due to the rather special shape of the petals, they are also known as “naked man orchids.”.

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