A Unique Wonder of Nature: The Ancient Gushing Water Tree

In the quaint village of Dinoša, located in Montenegro, there is a historic mulberry tree that transforms into a flowing water feature whenever there is a strong downpour.

As it is widely understood, it is not common to witness water flowing from a living tree. Yet, the unique occurrence with the mulberry tree can be easily explained. The meadow where the tree stands is rich with underground springs that overflow during intense rainstorms, causing extra pressure that pushes the water up through the hollow trunk of the tree and out through a hole a short distance above the ground.

Emir Hakramaj, a resident of the area, mentioned to Radio Free Europe that this phenomenon has been ongoing for at least two decades, if not more. He estimates that the tree in question, which could be as old as 150 years, developed a hollow inside, allowing an underground spring to flow up to the top, resulting in the stunning visual display we see today.

In the small town of Tuhala, Estonia, visitors can witness a unique natural occurrence at the Witch’s Well, where water rushes through. While locals believe it’s due to a legend about witches fighting with birch branches, the residents of Dinoša view it simply as an intriguing natural wonder.

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