Bliss and Delight: Captivating Images Immortalize the Tender Encounter Between Mothers and Newborns, Moments After the Miracle of Birth

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There are those whose faces are exuding pure delight, while others appear to be overwhelmed with a sense of relief, and then there are those who simply cannot hold back their tears.

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Marry Fermont, a 35-year-old photographer hailing from the serene province of Zeeland in the Netherlands, has masterfully captured the profound and heartwarming moments when parents lay their eyes on their newborns for the very first time. This extraordinary display of emotions forms the basis of Fermont’s captivating photo collection aptly named ‘First Moments’.

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According to Marry’s conversation with FEMAIL, the birth of a baby is a peculiar mix of fast and slow moments, where time seems to freeze while everything unfolds swiftly around you. It’s a whirlwind of events occurring simultaneously.

Marry Fermont, a talented photographer hailing from the beautiful province of Zeeland in the Netherlands, has masterfully captured the profound and heartwarming experience of parents meeting their newborns for the very first time. Through her captivating and emotive photo series titled ‘First Moments’, Fermont brings to life the indescribable joy and love that fills the air during this extraordinary occasion.

According to Marry, the experience of childbirth is a whirlwind of rapid events, yet it simultaneously feels like time is frozen in a slow motion. She beautifully captures the heartfelt instant when a midwife gently places a newborn into the arms of its mother.

A new mother, still feeling exhausted from giving birth, shares a tender moment with her crying newborn while her partner lovingly strokes her hair. For the partner, who had only experienced the baby’s kicks before, this moment holds immense significance. “It feels like a privilege to be present during such an intimate moment,” Marry expresses. “In that moment, you forget about everything else happening around you, except, of course, capturing it through photos.” The photographer, who also showcases her work on Facebook, admits that she sometimes gets swept up in the emotions herself. “There are moments when I find myself shedding a tear because I am so deeply connected to the moment,” she reveals. “This particular moment is truly special as it brims with authentic emotions.” “You can never anticipate what will unfold in this moment, and you cannot censor it,” she adds. “It stands as one of the purest moments in life.”

Expressions of Relief: A delighted mother holds her brand-new baby close, while her partner affectionately presses a gentle kiss onto her forehead. Marry shares that feelings of happiness and relief are frequently exhibited by new mothers.

Every mother and child share a special moment as they reunite, causing both of them to shed tears of joy. Marry, an experienced photographer with a portfolio of capturing 105 birth moments, describes each one as a unique and enchanting experience.

After being delivered into this world, the little baby is gently placed on its mother’s abdomen, allowing a heartwarming moment before it is carefully taken away to be attended to by the dedicated hospital staff.

New parents experience a profound and emotional moment right after the birth of their baby. Marry observed that the reactions of mothers and fathers differ greatly at this time. According to her, mothers often feel a sense of relief and joy, sometimes accompanied by tears. On the other hand, fathers commonly experience shock and amazement. Although fathers may also cry, it seems to take them a bit longer to fully comprehend the reality that they are now a dad. Marry emphasized that this moment holds a special significance for fathers, even if it takes them some time to process it all. She explained that as a partner, after months of feeling the baby’s kicks, seeing their child face-to-face is a truly profound experience. At this moment, a flood of emotions arise, including joy, relief, amazement, pride, love, euphoria, and contentment. It evokes various reactions, from smiles to tears, moments of silence, and bursts of extreme joy. It truly is a magical moment for the new parents.

A tender-hearted new mom embraces her precious baby tightly, wrapping herself in a cozy blanket for warmth. Marry has the privilege of observing a wide spectrum of sentiments in her profession: elation, solace, astonishment, satisfaction, affection, bliss, serenity, and countless other responses – a beautiful blend of smiles and tears.

With awe in her eyes, a mother experiences an indescribable moment as she meets her newborn for the very first time. Marry, an experienced birth photographer, has witnessed numerous women going through this miraculous event. However, she believes that her photography session would never be truly complete without capturing that raw and emotional first encounter between a mother and her baby as it takes its first breaths in this world.

Marry is a skilled photographer who has captured the beauty of various birthing experiences, including home births, hospital births, water births, and hypnobirths, in the Netherlands and Belgium. With her unwavering dedication, she remains available round-the-clock, ready to document these intimate moments. One particular instance that stands out is when she expertly captured the baby’s arrival into the birthing pool, freezing that precious instant in time.

Birth photos of mums holing babies for the first time | Bounty Parents

The parents featured in the series have hired Marry as their birth photographer, a role she has been fulfilling since 2011. According to Marry, she was the first professional birth photographer in the Netherlands. Her love for photography dates back to her time as a tour guide in foreign countries, where she would document her trips and the people she interacted with. Although she received numerous suggestions to pursue something professional with her photos, she was unsure of what to do at the time. Marry realized that there were already plenty of family photographers in the industry when she returned to the Netherlands. Therefore, she decided to study midwifery in hopes of combining her two passions. It was during this period that the idea of birth photography blossomed in her mind. Having just captured her 105th birth, Marry shared that people often reach out to her because they appreciate the emotional aspect conveyed through her photographs. They desire to have a photo that can evoke similar emotions in them.

Introducing a New Arrival: As proud parents lovingly admire their precious bundle of joy, they receive a joyful greeting in the form of a friendly wave.

Individuals engage Marry’s services to capture the moment of childbirth through her photography, as they are captivated by the heartfelt essence embodied in her work.

Despite the baby’s tears, the new parents are overwhelmed with happiness that their precious little one has entered the world in good health and happiness.

Every birth is special and Marry captured the exact moment when this baby was lifted from its mother’s womb during a Caesarean section. “And of course, a birth session wouldn’t be complete without capturing the first emotion when your baby is born. It’s incredible to witness the actual moment of birth, but there’s so much more that a photograph can convey in terms of emotions,” Marry explains. For Marry, the most fulfilling aspect of her job is being given the opportunity to be a part of one of life’s most beautiful moments. “When parents receive the photos, their gratitude is overwhelming. I truly have the most rewarding job in the world,” she says. In addition to capturing the birth itself, Marry also specializes in photographing pregnant women and taking portraits of newborns. She has experience photographing various types of births, including home births, hospital births, Caesarean sections, water births, and hypnobirths in the Netherlands and Belgium. Marry is available for her clients 24/7, always ready to capture these precious moments.

Marry’s availability is around the clock since babies tend to arrive unexpectedly. Nevertheless, she believes that participating in this extraordinary moment makes all the effort worthwhile.

The visible relief on the face of the new mother is easily noticeable as she holds her infant in her arms, resting on her hospital gown. Her partner affectionately plants a kiss on her forehead.

After welcoming her daughter Liv into the world in 2014, Marry now possesses valuable personal insight as a mother.

Mum and dad are absolutely thrilled to finally meet their newborn baby. Now that Marry has become a mother herself, she can truly understand and appreciate the challenges that parents face during labor. “The most challenging aspect is always being on call. It affects your entire life and lifestyle. You can’t venture far from home, you can’t indulge in alcohol, and you always need to be prepared to capture a birth. However, despite all that, it’s absolutely worth it.” Since the birth of her daughter Liv in 2014, Marry now has firsthand experience that she can bring to her profession. She understands the emotions and struggles that women go through during labor and recognizes the significance of capturing those precious moments through photography. “Documenting births will be a different experience now because I truly understand what women endure and how crucial these photos are. I believe I will have an even greater love for my job,” she expressed at that time.

Marry, in a state of pure bliss, embraces her precious newborn that has just been handed to her. She muses, “The moment a baby enters this world, it feels as if time both races forward and stands still simultaneously. It’s like a whirlwind of profound moments unraveling right before your eyes.”

Marry, who is a certified midwife, has been pursuing birth photography since 2011, after identifying an unfulfilled need in the industry.

According to Marry, a skilled midwife, capturing images of childbirth brings together her two greatest passions.

While curled up in a fetal position, this fresh arrival has yet to detach from its umbilical cord, experiencing the wonders of existence for the very first time.

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